LOS ANGELES (the angels) is the important point of the west wing. Hollywood is the place of international language, of messages which are sent into the world in form of pictures on the screen, messages in films. Never ever on EARTH there is something by accident. If there is a central place that is spreading information like this it has got a high responsibility. It can be seen as the THROAT CHAKRA (ENERGY CENTER of the UNIVERSE)
Thoughts have power and so the ACT that is the reaction to the thought.
We are preparing a high level ART.
What does that mean? That every thought, every ACT, every attitude includes the universal intelligence. The highest harmony, the highest consciousness possible that people can follow on this planet. VISION PAINTING
It is my responsibility to talk about it. It is my responsibility to connect and lay the base in favour of children and nature. WITH YOU.
PS: the picture is made by an Austrian farmer and poet. He is not a professional photographer, he makes the photos because it is his passion. His photos are great.